Magic Paper Towel Paintings

Alright, so after talking with various people, it was decided that each activity deserves its own post. Also because it is less work to find exactly what you have come here for! So lets get into it! Also, (hopefully) all activities will have links to YouTube so make sure to follow us there as well to see the fun! Sometimes they will be posted before the blog! I will post them under the what you need since it is like a tutorial!

You need 3 things and there are 5 steps only! Setup is only the time it takes to collect the materials and you can make as many as you want! Once the paper towel gets wet, the colored image shows through like magic!

What you need:
- paper towels
- tub with water
- watch the tutorial video!

1. fold the paper towel in half
2. draw on the front side a simple image in black marker
3. open the paper towel. you should see the outline that bled through. Color! fill in your drawing, give it color, make it creative!
4. fold it back in half
5. place it in water and let the water work its magic!


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